Hey !

I decided to join the many internet-savvy people and start blogging ! I have read many accounts of FAI and the process of diagnosis, surgery and recovery. This will be my record of the entire process and I will be extremely honest about how it affects my mental and physical state. Others will be googling when they find out they have the same diagnosis and support seems to be the thing missing.
My diagnosis (right hip)-
- cam-type FAI and pincer-type
- partial detachment of the anterior/superior labrum (tear)
- fraying along the articular margin of the superior labrum with minimal partial detachment
- chondral softening along the superior acetabular rim manifested by low signal in the cartlidge (no clue what that means !)
- mild chrondral surface irregularity
- chondral softening involving adjacent superior femoral head
- physiologic joint fluid
- insertional tendinosis of the right gluteus minimus

My left hip is almost the same but says complete detachment and no fluid reported.

Friday, August 7, 2009

And the winner is .... Infection !

I saw Dr. Erickson yesterday and he does think it's an infection. His reasoning was a little strange but I accepted it. He said it may be a small piece of scar tissue that broke loose or a small nic of gauze from the instruments got caught in there. All in all he didn't seen very concerned at all so I will leave it at that. Because it is on the back of my leg I won't be able to really track the way it looks other than pictures so I will keep an eye on it. It is still extremely sore today though and I have a fever.
I also got a call from Dr. Weingharts office today about my ultrasound results. The gallbladder does have stones but nothing that is obstructing, so we are back to square one with the high liver enzymes. They are extremely concerned about my kidney again so another CT has been scheduled for Monday at 5:45. I am not sure how this happened considering they said everything was fixed when I had the surgery back in February so of course I am extremely worried and scared about this. I can't do another surgery, especially my kidney. I swear I can still feel the pain of the renal colic from last time. The worst pain I have ever felt, as a possibility to happen yet again, HELL NO I will not do it.
There is only so much more I can take before I say enough. All these scans and probes, the bloodwork, the surgeries .... I honestly just can't do this any more. If I could quit I would. My mind and body are tired and just done with it all.

Yesterday was the first time since I started working here that I actually went home and cried. Not just a little cry, a full out sob fest. I am completely overwhelmed at work carrying the work of 4 people, I am overwhelmed physically being in the pain I am in and overwhelmed by sadness and loneliness mentally. I miss the idea of having someone there to support me and to help me through this all, someone other than the internet in it's infinite wisdom.


  1. Ooh Erin you really are going through it, but you know the body is a funny thing and infection aside sometimes blood results are misleading and I hope this is one of those cases. Try not to drown under this sea of crap you're having to deal with right now. Try see it as a series of appointments to be done and emotionally detach because its bringing you down and it might all be misleading rubbish in the end tormenting you... I really hope so.
    Infection, how weird that must be why they tell us to keep looking out for it. Is he gonna give you antibiotics or have you got to fight it? Wishing you well, big hugs!! xx

  2. Thanks for the words of encouragement. These last couple of weeks have done a number on me that's for sure. I will wait and see what they say tomorrow night before I panic too much.
    He didn't give any antibiotics and just wrote on my chart KNA (Keep next appointment). It doesn't look any better or any worse so I am not sure if I should even be concerned.
