Hey !

I decided to join the many internet-savvy people and start blogging ! I have read many accounts of FAI and the process of diagnosis, surgery and recovery. This will be my record of the entire process and I will be extremely honest about how it affects my mental and physical state. Others will be googling when they find out they have the same diagnosis and support seems to be the thing missing.
My diagnosis (right hip)-
- cam-type FAI and pincer-type
- partial detachment of the anterior/superior labrum (tear)
- fraying along the articular margin of the superior labrum with minimal partial detachment
- chondral softening along the superior acetabular rim manifested by low signal in the cartlidge (no clue what that means !)
- mild chrondral surface irregularity
- chondral softening involving adjacent superior femoral head
- physiologic joint fluid
- insertional tendinosis of the right gluteus minimus

My left hip is almost the same but says complete detachment and no fluid reported.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Slackage !

Wow have I been a slacker this last week ! I did a ton of stuff this last weekend for Heather's basketball and tried to catch up on a little needed rest. I ended up with a horrible migraine on Friday and stayed at the ER for 8 hours while they tried to knock it out. I swear the headache is still hanging with me. The doc said it may be due to stress and I am reacting to it now since the surgery is only 2 days away. My pre-op is tomorrow at 3:00 and I picked up my crutches last night. It is so hard to believe this is actually going to happen !

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