Hey !

I decided to join the many internet-savvy people and start blogging ! I have read many accounts of FAI and the process of diagnosis, surgery and recovery. This will be my record of the entire process and I will be extremely honest about how it affects my mental and physical state. Others will be googling when they find out they have the same diagnosis and support seems to be the thing missing.
My diagnosis (right hip)-
- cam-type FAI and pincer-type
- partial detachment of the anterior/superior labrum (tear)
- fraying along the articular margin of the superior labrum with minimal partial detachment
- chondral softening along the superior acetabular rim manifested by low signal in the cartlidge (no clue what that means !)
- mild chrondral surface irregularity
- chondral softening involving adjacent superior femoral head
- physiologic joint fluid
- insertional tendinosis of the right gluteus minimus

My left hip is almost the same but says complete detachment and no fluid reported.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ultrasound done

So I went to my imaging appointment and watched as she put the slimy stuff all over my belly and looked around. There were stones in my gallbladder but nothing obstructing the neck. My liver was enlarged and my kidney was as well. You can see the stones in my kidneys still too and it was hurting after she starting putting pressure on it. The tech said I should hear something by Friday so we will see which one is causing my liver enzymes to sky-rocket.
I am also seeing little changes in my incision site. It's still pretty irritated and there is an odd lump under the skin that feels long and skinny, not round. It's pretty pink and warm. I will try to post some pictures for advice but plan to call Dr. Erickson tomorrow if it doesn't look better.
I woke up with a low grade fever for the 12th day in a row. The meds they have me on aren't really doing anything but making me sleepy, scary sleepy. I am finding it harder to drive now that I started on the Lyrica because I feel that drowsy feeling. The Lyrica has definitely started to address the nerve damage and it doesn't hurt at the level it did before, but I hate the price I have to pay mentally to feel just a small amount better.
I am sure by now I have alienated a few people. I am trying to avoid absolutely everyone until my moods are under control. Lyrica does have an anti-depressent in it but I haven't been on it long enough yet I think to make a difference. I feel so lonely and like I have been abandoned by everyone to deal with this alone, which I am coming to terms with. It has to get better.


  1. HI Erin,
    At first I thought not infected but one closeup, is red? Is that one alone raised. Mine are sunken if anything if that helps. Guess would cause fever too. I think for the sake of a wasted journey I'd just check with someone who knows if you have time. I didn't know could do that so far after op! Let me know what they say and yes massage massage massage, I just bought some bio oil xx

  2. I did check with a friend of mine and he wasn't quite sure what it was. All of my scars are very raised and hard feeling, still slightly purple but with white streaks down the middle. There was too much redness on the skin not to suspect some kind of infection, but like you said .. 5 weeks after surgery this is definitely not a surgery related infection. It came on really sudden and is weird ! I did find some information about phlebitis, which I had after I gave birth to my last child.

  3. Actually mine feel like a lump to when pressed, but if your worried a doc or nurse will prob best put your mind at rest.

  4. It wasn't the lump that got me, it's that all the skin around the leg, even down the back to my knee is now pink/redish. I know it's kinda hard to see in the picture.
